H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III —— A Treasury of True Buddha-Dharma

H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

—— A Treasury of True Buddha-Dharma





      H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata is Buddha Vajradhara. His Holiness is also called in Chinese 持金剛 (pronounced chi jin gang), which literally means “Ruler of the Vajra Beings.” His Holiness is the complete and perfect incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha, the primordial sambhogakaya Buddha. His Holiness’s abbreviated title is H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. (In this world, His Holiness has also been respectfully called Master Wan Ko Yee.) The accomplishments of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III are the highest in the entire world. No one of holy virtue within Buddhism can be mentioned in the same breath with His Holiness when it comes to showing real evidence of wisdom and realization attained through proficiency in exoteric and esoteric Buddhism and mastery of the Five Vidyas.





     The standard that the Buddha set for measuring one’s level of accomplishment in the Buddha-dharma is the degree to which one is proficient in both exoteric and esoteric Buddhism and the degree to which one has mastered the Five Vidyas. However, in the history of Buddhism up to the present time, only H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Holiest Tathagata has truly and fully manifested complete proficiency in exoteric and esoteric Buddhism and perfect mastery of the Five Vidyas! H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III actually exhibits for all to see item after item of accomplishments relating to complete proficiency in exoteric and esoteric Buddhism and perfect mastery of the Five Vidyas as laid down by the Buddha. His Holiness, an ancient Buddha, is the first being of holy virtue in history who has truly manifested such lofty and complete realization! Clear evidence of this are all of the single-handed accomplishments of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III mentioned in the thirty main categories listed in this book, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III —A Treasury of True Buddha-Dharma.





     Of course, organizing His Holiness’s accomplishments into thirty main categories is simply a matter of form. In fact, the accomplishments contained in this book far exceed thirty main categories. For example, the category of Technological Art alone contains three distinct major categories: photography, three dimensional images, and glass paintings. However, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III combined many separate categories into single main categories, thereby reducing the number of main categories to thirty. In reality, how could only thirty main categories possibly contain all of the accomplishments of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III? The accomplishments of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III express the wisdom of the Buddha-dharma, which is limitless. The innerrealization vidya alone includes realization of the limitless truths of conditional and unconditional dharma in the universe and mastery of the Tripitaka and esoteric scriptures.





     The thirty main categories listed in this book are as follows: 1. Recognitions and Congratulations;      2. The Virtue of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and Holy Occurrences; 3. The Holy Realization of the Holiest Tathagata; 4. Supreme and Profound Buddha-Dharma That Is Difficult to Encounter in Millions of Eons; 5. Couplets; 6. Calligraphy; 7. Stone Seals; 8. Classical Poetry and Songs; 9. Vajra Needle That Eliminates Illness; 10. Healing Illnesses; 11. Medicine and Health Care Products; 12. Wondrous Multicolored Sculptures; 13. Faux-Jade Panels; 14. Philosophical Sayings About Worldly Matters; 15. Classical Prose and Modern Poetry; 16. Academic Writings; 17. Hand-Sculpted Artwork; 18. Vocal Mastery; 19. Sculptures Containing Mysterious Mist; 20. Ancient-Looking Withered Vines; 21. Chinese Paintings; 22. Western Paintings; 23. Art Frames; 24. Designs of Buddha Images; 25. Tiles; 26. Decorative Wall Hangings; 27. Buildings and Decorative Landscape Scenes; 28. Teas; 29. Technological Art; 30. Saving Living Beings by Liberating Them.





     In the fourth main category entitled “Supreme and Profound Buddha-Dharma That Is Difficult to Encounter in Millions of Eons,” there are over two thousand discourses on the Buddhadharma given by His Holiness. Such teachings are as vast and profound as an ocean. From ancient times to the present, other than Sakyamuni Buddha’s expositions of the dharma in this world, no other holy being has attained the multifaceted accomplishments that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III has attained. Moreover, each of the manifold accomplishments of His Holiness has reached the highest world-class level.





     We have come to understand that the phrase “highly proficient in the five major vidyas and the five minor vidyas” are actually only empty words when applied to many people. That is because such people were not able to display real skills. They could not even show any writing or photograph for evaluation. To be totally blunt, such people could not even match professionals and experts living in society. How could this be considered as being highly proficient in the five major vidyas and the five minor vidyas? How could they represent proficiency in exoteric and esoteric Buddhism and a high level of mastery of the Five Vidyas of which the Buddha spoke?





     It could be said that A Treasury of True Buddha-Dharma is an unprecedented precious Buddhist book that reveals actual Buddhadharma realization better than any other book in history. After extremely holy beings of the highest order in the world who are incarnations of Buddhas or Bodhisattvas saw the first manuscript of A Treasury of True Buddha-Dharma, they were astonished. They promptly investigated the truth behind the book in accordance with the dharma. Applying the practices of esoteric dharma relating to recognizing the identity or status of someone, they deeply entered the dharma realm, applied supernatural vision, and saw the true source. They then issued their own documents as the dharma prescribes in which they formally recognized that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata is the incarnation of the highest ancient Buddha and that His Holiness possesses unprecedented mastery of exoteric Buddhism, esoteric Buddhism, and the Five Vidyas!



Continue Reading Brief Introduction to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III (P21-P32)







H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III

—— A Treasury of True Buddha-Dharma



     H.H. Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata is the greatest leader of Buddhism in the entire dharmadhatu and is the complete and perfect incarnation of Dorje Chang Buddha. During the past few thousand years, many beings of great holiness have come to this world and their identities were recognized. However, H.H. Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata is the only ancient Buddha Vajradhara and highest leader of Buddhism who is foremost in the five areas stated below.


  1. His Holiness is the greatest holy being who has received the most written recognitions and respectful praise from Buddhas and great Bodhisattvas of all of the main sects in the history of Buddhism. (see Recognitions and Congratulations)


  1. His Holiness is the greatest holy being who has received the highest evaluations from Buddhas and great Bodhisattvas of all of the main sects in the history of Buddhism. (see the evaluations in Recognitions and Congratulations)


  1. His Holiness is the greatest holy being and ancient Buddha whose position is highest among all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas who have come to this human world. (see the Recognitions and Congratulations stating that His Holiness is Dorje Chang Buddha III)


  1. His Holiness is the greatest holy being whose accomplishments in mastering exoteric Buddhism, esoteric Buddhism, and the Five Vidyas are the most illustrious in the history of mankind. (see thirty categories)


  1. His Holiness took auspicious mist from space and put it inside a sculpture of a stone cave and also created holy and wondrous carvings, just as H.H. Great Dharma King Zunsheng predicted. In the history of Buddhism until the present time, no other being of great holiness who has incarnated into this human realm has been able to do such things. No one has been able to replicate such works as well.


(see irrefutable facts on pages 380 )





     The attainments stated above are not empty or unreliable words. Rather, these words are based on the documents of extremely holy and virtuous rinpoches, dharma kings, and eminent monastics in the world today. These are true words expressed with a serious attitude, a sense of responsibility, and an understanding of karmic retribution.






H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III A TREASURY OF TRUE BUDDHA-DHARMA 多杰羌佛第三世 正法宝典


CATEGORY 1 Recognitions and Congratulations 第一大類 認證祝賀


CATEGORY 2 The Virtue of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III and Holy Occurrences 第二大類 三世多杰羌佛的聖蹟佛格


CATEGORY 3 The Holy Realization of the Holiest Tathagata 第三大類 頂聖如來的聖量


CATEGORY 4 Supreme and Profound Buddha-Dharma That Is Difficult to Encounter in Millions of Eons
第四大類 百千萬劫難遭遇無上甚深佛法


CATEGORY 5 Couplets 第五大類 楹聯


CATEGORY 6 Calligraphy 第六大類 書法


CATEGORY 7 Stone Seals 第七大類 金石


CATEGORY 8 Classical Poetry and Songs 第八大類 詩詞歌賦


CATEGORY 9 Vajra Needle That Eliminates Illness 第九大類 金剛除病針


CATEGORY 10 Healing Illnesses 第十大類 治病


CATEGORY 11 Medicine and Health Care Products 第十一大類 製藥保健


CATEGORY 12 Wondrous Multicolored Sculptures 第十二大類 玄妙彩寶雕


CATEGORY 13 Faux Jade Plates 第十三大類 玉板


CATEGORY 14 Philosophical Sayings About Worldly Matters 第十四大類 世法哲言


CATEGORY 15 Classical Prose and Modern Poetry 第十五大類 古典散文、現代詩


CATEGORY 16 Academic Writings 第十六大類 學術論文


CATEGORY 17 Hand-Sculpted Artwork 第十七大類 造景


CATEGORY 18 Vocal Mastery 第十八大類 音韻


CATEGORY 19 Sculptures Containing Mysterious Mist 第十九大類 神秘霧氣雕





CATEGORY 20 Ancient-Looking Withered Vines 第二十大類 枯藤古化


CATEGORY 21 Chinese Paintings 第二十一大類 中國畫


CATEGORY 22 Western Paintings 第二十二大類 西畫


CATEGORY 23 Art Frames 第二十三大類 畫框


CATEGORY 24 Designs of Buddha Images 第二十四大類 佛像設計造型


CATEGORY 25 Tiles — The Most Beautiful Building Material in the World 第二十五大類 磁磚–世界上最美的建築材料


CATEGORY 26 Decorative Wall Hangings 第二十六大類 壁掛


CATEGORY 27 Buildings and Decorative Landscape Scenes 第二十七大類 建築庭園風景


CATEGORY 28 Teas 第二十八大類 茗茶


CATEGORY 29 Technological Art 第二十九大類 科技藝術


CATEGORY 30 Saving Living Beings by Liberating Them 第三十大類 渡生成就






頂聖如來多杰羌佛第三世雲高益西諾布說 了義經








H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III- A Treasury of True Buddha- Dharma《 第三世多杰羌佛 正法寶典》



Buddhas and Bodhisattvas Honoring the Treasure Book H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III



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